HKAAT will be stepping into its 15th year of Anniversary next year. We are sad to say farewell to our beloved former president, Sarah Tong, and excited to have our newly elected president, Bianca Lee, to lead HKAAT into a new era.
We are now working on renovating our website, maintaining an informative and educational Facebook page, and implementing a new format of newsletter, in order to let our members and general public gain access and learn about HKAAT and art therapy easier than before. Please like our Facebook page where you can get all of our updates in the next few months.
Once our new website is ready, you will get a chance to learn more about our professional members as in previous PDF newsletter issues. This season’s featuring professional member will be Ms. Mimi Tung, a US trained art therapist who’s providing great art therapy service and education locally.
In our new website, we will periodically put on the latest art therapy related book reviews where you can glance what art therapy resources are available in the book markets. Our professional members, Tristan Chan and Grace Chan, have given our upcoming books reviews. They have chosen several books that give good advice for those who are interested in pursuing Art therapy as a profession, and the history of art therapy in Asia.
The Past Events section of the website will have review on what HKAAT has done in the past season, and we are excited to announce that we will launch a new series of art therapy workshops: two art therapists will be giving a workshop in January and April 2018. They will talk about art Journaling and how art therapy works for children who are suffering from trauma. We hope that you will continue to support HKAAT as we make up-to-date changes and venture into a new era with the new leadership.
Secretary of HKAAT
HoiLam Tang, MS, ATR
2017-09-28I first encountered Art therapy in 2000. I’ve found it very powerful and transformational and still feel the same ever since. So it has become my passion and perhaps will remain as my lifelong career.
Sat2017-12-02 03:00Art Psychotherapy to Reimagine PeaceArt is a medium for an individual to develop his/her potential and to connect to the world. Art psychotherapy is a form of treatment and tool for self-development and exploration. In this world of instability, art psychotherapy can be the very answer to harmonise and reinvent the chaos within human minds and lives.02 December 2017 | 2017-12-02 03:00 | Marketplace, PMQ 元創方 -
Fri2017-12-01 22:00deTour 2017 Workshop - Create, Reimagine, Reinvent PeaceThis workshop / open studio time allows participants to experience collaborative art making and reimagining peace. We seek to provide a supportive and safe space for participants to express themselves freely. Each open art session will be followed by a short talk about topics of self care through the arts, particularly during the chaotic times one may be experiencing, as well as an overview about art psychotherapy.01 December 2017 | 2017-12-01 22:00 | S710, 7/F, Block A, PMQ, | 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong -
Sat2017-05-13 13:40Community Arts Event, 2017On May 13, 2017 during our community arts event, HKAAT EXCO & volunteers shared an excellent time making art on daily objects with rehab residents at The Providence Garden for Rehab. Thanks to everyone who participated in this meaningful event which promotes social inclusion through art expressions.13 May 2017 | 2017-05-13 13:40 | Hong Kong