2019-06-02 22:30
2019-06-03 01:30
Date/日期: 2019.06.02
Time/時間: 14:30pm -16:00pm(Workshop/工作坊) 16:00pm -17:30pm (AGM / 會員大會)
Fee/費用: members Free 會員免費/ non-members非會員 $200
Venue/地點: T-Club HKFEW, flat 2306-09, 23/F, Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
T-Club 官塘成業街6號弘富廣場23樓2306-09室
Language/語言: Workshop and AGM will be mainly conducted in Cantonese
Title: The use of technology and multi-sensory intervention in Art Psychotherapy Sessions
For those who have developmental disabilities or special needs such as people with visual impairment, suffering from Dementia, Autism, or having different forms of learning difficulties, multi-sensory materials can promote their engagement in therapy as textures, sounds, and the smell of these materials can stimulate their senses, their feelings, as well as their imaginations. In this workshop, art therapist Ms Gigi Leung will share her clinical experience of how she utilizes different interventions, multi-sensory materials, and technologies with her clients. Audiences will be able to experience different electronic devices, such as contact mic and plasticine-speaker in this workshop to understand how these methods can foster healing and mental well-being.
Important Notice: HKAAT Membership starts on July 1st Annuallly.
Become our member today to enjoy the AGM and Pre-Workshop for Free. We look forward to your continued support in 19/20! Please renew your next term membership with us at AGM. See you there!
重要通告: 香港藝術治療師協會 會員 每年七月一日 更新
若今日成為我們的會員,可免費參加本屆會員大會及 會前工作坊。
Leung Ching Wan (Gigi) graduated from the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong in 2013. During her studies, she began her work at the Tung Wah Group Hospitals to promote the artistic development and rights of people with disabilities in the i-dArt. In her 5-year tenure, she was responsible for curating exhibitions and cultural activities, and teaching art courses that encourage and develop the rights of service users to participate in artistic creation. In 2018, she completed her MA in Art Psychotherapy at the Goldsmiths University of London. Currently registered as an art psychotherapist under The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the U.K. and a professional member of the Hong Kong, British and American Association of Art Therapists. Formerly an art psychotherapist at the Clarendon SEN School, London and the women’s mental health hostel (London Cyrenians), she provided one-to-one and group services for people with Asperger's Syndrome, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as the school bullies and the victims, domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, ethnic minorities, people with mental illnesses, such as personality disorder, schizophrenia, depression, alcohol abuse and different disabilities. Now she is having her private practice, providing one-to-one and group services to people with dementia, people with learning difficulties, autism, ADHD, children and adults with emotional needs, chronic patients and the Blind. Meanwhile, she is actively promoting the importance of mental health and art creation.
梁靜韻,2013年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,修讀期間開始於東華三院愛不同藝術(i-dArt)致力推動殘疾人士的藝術發展與權益。五年間負責策劃各項展覽、文藝活動及教授藝術課程,鼓勵及開拓殘疾人士參與藝術創作的權利。2018年於英國倫敦大學皇家金匠學院(Goldsmiths University of London)修畢藝術心理治療碩士課程,為英國註冊藝術治療師,香港、英國及美國藝術治療師協會專業會員。曾任英國特殊學校( Clarendon SEN School, London) 及婦女精神庇護中心 (London Cyrenians) 擔任藝術治療師,為亞氏保加症、自閉症、過度活躍症兒童、校園欺凌者及其受害者,以及家暴、性侵幸存者、少數族裔、精神病患者,例如人格障礙、精神分裂症、抑鬱症、酗酒人士以及殘疾人士等不同類別服務使用者提供一對一和藝術治療小組。梁氏現為自由工作者,為嚴重智障人士、盲人、腦退化症患者、自閉症人士、過動活躍症人士、有情緒需要的兒童及成人和長期病患者患者分別進行一對一和小組治療,同時亦積極推廣精神健康和藝術創作兩者間的重要性。
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AGM/ 會員大會
This will be an important AGM as we will be holding elections for a new body of officers/ executive committee members to serve HKAAT.
Only members can attend A.G.M. and can vote during A.G.M.