Tong, Ming Mun (Sarah)

Tong, Ming Mun (Sarah) 唐明敏

Master in Counseling, Specialization in Art Therapy (MC:AT)

Registered Art Therapist (Canada), RCAT

Registered Clinical Counselor (BC, Canada)




Registered Art therapist (RCAT)

Ms. Sarah Tong grew up in Hong Kong and holds a Diploma in Art Therapy (VATI) and a Master’s Degree in Counselling, specialization in Art Therapy. Over the past 22 years Sarah has worked in Canada and Hong Kong as an art therapist delivering art therapy programs in non-profit organizations, schools and institutions. She has extensive experiences working with clients affected by depression, schizophrenia, special education needs, geriatrics, substance abuse, domestic violence, trauma survivors and . She has worked as art therapist in the Art as intervention for child victims research projects and has been volunteering at the Creative Arts for Rehabilitation program in prison.


唐明敏 - 加拿大註冊藝術治療師 / 註冊臨床輔導員

唐明敏是一位資深的藝術治療師和臨床心理輔導員。 她于加拿大修畢藝術心理治 療及臨床心理輔導學碩士,是加拿大藝術治療師協會註冊會員及卑詩省臨床輔導員 協會註冊會員。 曾於加拿大擔任非牟利機構的兒童服務部統籌經理,並被邀請在 多個關注兒童成長發展及心理健康的政府諮詢組織擔任委員及顧問,為社工及輔導 員提供專業培訓。 回香港後,於中小學、大專院校、大學、醫院、監獄、社會服 務機構、私人機構等提供個人心理諮詢和員工培訓服務。



English, Cantonese, Putonghua


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