Lee, Ling Cheun (Bianca)

Lee, Ling Cheun (Bianca) 李靈津

Master of Arts in Art Therapy

Registered Art Therapist (USA)

Licensed Professional Counselor (USA)

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (USA)


Bianca is an artist, advocate, educator, Board Certified Registered Art Therapist (USA), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (USA) and Licensed Professional Counselor (USA). She graduated with her Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Art in Art Therapy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Bianca is currently in private practice, honorary lecturer at University of Hong Kong and lecturer at School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She was the past president of HKAAT (2017-2021).

Within the 10+ years of practicing in the mental health field, Bianca connected with people from all walks of life around the globe. Some populations she collaborated with include outpatient, inpatient, intellectually and developmentally disabled, LGBTQ, elderly care, natural disasters recovery, immigrants and the bereaved. Together they coped with life changes, traumatic events, and physical/mental health management, grief and loss. She utilizes the relational, trauma-informed and empowerment care models when collaborating with clients. Bianca spend hundreds of hours every year researching, learning and lecturing about topics in healing locally and internationally. 


李靈津是註冊藝術治療師、美國國家專業輔導師、美國國家臨床心理專業輔導師,也是香港大學榮譽講師。 畢業於美國芝加哥藝術學院(School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA) 考獲藝術學士以及藝術心理治療碩 士。在心理治療及輔導專業方面也獲美國國家級專業組織頒發專業執照,多年專業資歷和臨床經驗得到國家 級認可及肯定。 李靈津私人執業除外,並現任香港大學社會工作及行政科學系榮譽講師及美國芝加哥藝術學院講師。2017-2021 李靈津曾擔任本會主席一職。

李靈津每年累積數百小時的研究工作、參與本地及國際會議演講、不斷自我學習進步及分享經驗。多年的臨 床經驗,為多元文化背景的人士及受災地區需要提供服務:由小孩、青少年至老人長者。 機構包括:醫院, 學校,各種社區中心,非牟利組織,長者住院及日間中心,露宿者/受精神虐待/遭受暴力生還者收容中心 ,四川地震災區等等不同機構等。李靈津熱心幫助受心理障礙折磨的人解決心理問題,重拾健康身心,享受快樂人生! 服務: 私人及個別及小組— 利用多元化的心理學角度和方法與客戶合作。 



English, Cantonese, Putonghua


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