Fung, Yim Fun (Ivy)

Fung, Yim Fun (Ivy) 馮艷芬

Registered Art Therapist (UK)


Yim Fun, Ivy PgD Art Th., S.R.A.Th. Ivy is a State Registered Art Therapist (UK) practicing in Hong Kong since 1999. Ivy works in both public sectors and private practice with her expertise in mental health and special needs. She is specialized in working with mental disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar, obsessive-compulsive disorders, as well as trauma and stressor related disorders. Her clientele includes adults with emotional problems, relationship crisis, drug abusers, cancer survivors and others; elderlies with aging issues, Neurocognitive Disorders etc.. She is also devoted in younger populations, like adolescents with adjustment issues, emotional disturbance, social anxiety, school refusal and/or parent-child relationship problems; and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, learning difficulties and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Ivy has incredibly rich experience in working with both individuals and groups. She is often invited by NGOs and private enterprises to run professional training courses and risk management programs. Ivy’s therapy approach has its root from Psychodynamics, weaving in the creative art elements. She focuses on helping people to work through their difficulties and re- discover themselves by retrieving innate creativity and autonomy, and targeting towards the life of integrity.

  • Registered Art Therapist, Health and Care Professions Council, UK
  • Professional Member, Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists
  • Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Art Therapy, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art, Chinese University of HK
  • Certificate of Bereavement Care, Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care
  • Certificate of Child-centered Play Therapy, Chinese University of HK
  • Certificate of Children and Adolescents Mental Health Assessment and Treatment, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
  • Certificate of Personality Disorders, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
  • Founding EXCO members of Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists

藝術治療師 適用語言:粵語、英語 馮艷芬女士是資深藝術治療師,具有十多年臨床心理治療經驗,1999畢業於英 國克福特大學,並在當地註冊成為藝術治療師。專長處理各項情緒病,如抑鬱 症、焦慮症、躁鬰症、創傷後壓力、哀傷輔導、與伴侶關係問題等;馮女士也 擅長協助兒童及青少年,處理各類心理發展和情緒行為問題,如自閉症、逃避 上學、反叛對抗行為、社交焦慮、以及親子關係等。 馮女士一直在本港各大醫院、學校和復康機構主持各類型的心理治療小組,例 如癌症患者小組、精神病患者小組、腦退化症患者小組、自閉症患者小組和讀 寫障礙學生小組等,擅長揉合藝術創作於小組互動當中,令治療效果事半功倍 。馮女士亦有為各大公共和私人機構提供專業培訓及危機處理服務,經驗非常 豐富。 馮女士的治療取向以「心理動力學 (Psychodynamics)」作為藍本,結合視覺藝 術創作,引領受助者發現內心的掙扎,反思當下的處境,創造有意義的選擇, 在過程中重獲生命的力量。

  • 英國註冊藝術治療師 (Health and Care Professions Council, UK)
  • 香港藝術治療師協會專業會員
  • 香港專業輔導協會副院士
  • 藝術治療學士後文憑(英國克福特大學)
  • 藝術文學士(香港中文大學)
  • 哀傷治療證書(善寧會)
  • 遊戲治療證書(香港中文大學)
  • 青少年輔導工作證書(香港國際社會服務社)
  • 人格障礙輔導證書(香港國際社會服務社)
  • 香港藝術治療師協會創會執委


English, Cantonese


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