Featuring Professional Member: Nicole Lai

1. What made you choose art therapy as your profession?

It is the love for ARTS and the understanding of HUMANITY that moves me towards the path that I am taking right now. These two elements shape up my belief in the value of Arts, being witnessed through human history. Moreover, art once healed me, so I feel the mission in me to “pass it on”.


是我對藝術的熱愛以及對人性的同理之心,驅使我決定成為藝術治療師的。這兩個重要的部分亦 慢慢建立出我對藝術的信念,深信藝術在人類的身心靈健康及社會發展史上有著獨一無二的價 值。藝術亦曾幫助我走出心裡的困局,因此我希望身心力行去讓更多人可以感受這份美與價值。

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Artwork Sharing: The Crows The whirlwind of vibe and power are dragged up when the Crows flap their wings... 強烈的情緒有時像烏鴉用力拍翼時所產生的氣流與力量一樣,震撼非常,無比有力。

2. How much does your art therapy training program form your way of being an art therapist?

My training in UK not only provide me with knowledge, but also the courage to look back into my own “shadow” (emotional triggers in the past), before I started looking into my clients. This has become my ongoing commitment as an art therapist now, enhancing my capability to walk with my clients into their own “darkness”(unknown emotional triggers), to be there for them and search for the “oil lamp”(insights) together on their therapeutic adventure.


我在英國的培訓,不單單令我在知識上得到裝備,更給我勇氣再一次去面對自己的內在與過去, 好讓我有能力再一次從過往困惑的經歷中,找到新的洞見。這份敢於面對的精神亦成為了我現在 作為治療師的專業與個人承諾。因為只有我先願意勇於面對,我才會有切實的經驗和力量去與服 務使用者同行,一同找回他們生命中的「亮點」。

3. What is your practice theory in your practice?

I perform with an integrative approach including Person-Centred, Developmental, Gestalt and Psychodynamic theories in my practice.

你會用到哪些理論去支持你的藝術治療工作? 我會綜合我從不同培訓課程中學到的理論,按不同對象的需要,靈活運用於治療工作上。當中包 括: 人本主義、發展心理學、完形心理學及心理動力學等理論。

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 Artwork Sharing: Chaos VS Opportunities Sometimes in the midst of chaos, I see life and opportunities growing. 在混沌之中,如我們能試著親手撥弄一下,也許我們會開始看到生機。

4. What target group(s) do(se) you serve most?

I mostly work with youths and adults who face sudden changes and mental health crisis in life.


現階段, 我的主要工作對象是正面對生活突變或精神健康危機的青少年及成年人。

5. What materials do you use the most in your practice? Or What are your favourite materials to use in your practice?

Among all the materials, I find clay particularly helpful in fostering playfulness and experimentation, it possess a sensory-rich nature to help my clients to bring out their creativity and sensory awareness. I will also add a wide range of tactile materials for my client to mix with clay modelling.

在藝術治療的操作與實踐中, 你會擅長或多用哪些物料?

在云云材料當中,陶泥會是我較多選用的。因為其立體及能激發感官敏感度的特質能喚醒創作者 的創意、觸覺經驗及實驗精神。我亦會提供一系列不同觸感的材料讓創作者自由加入陶泥作品 中。

6. What kinds of metaphor(s) or symbol(s) that you can use to describe art therapy? Please explain.

I will choose the symbol of Taiji (Yin & Yang) to describe art therapy, which symbolizes a harmonious integration of 2 opposite qualities as a complete whole. It displays the co-existence of 2 contrasting colours, with an inclusion of the opposite colours. They combine seamlessly together to become a complete circle. This graphical representation aligns with my knowledge and belief towards art therapy, which is an embracement and integration of: - Art and science - The conscious and the unconscious mind - “Light” and “shadow” within one Self - Feminine and masculine qualities within a person


我會用代表陰陽共存的「太極」標誌去形容藝術治療,因為它承載著兩極共融合一的意味。標誌 中包含著兩個高反差度的顏色, 但仍不失對另一個色種的包容,最後融合成一個無縫的整圓。 這些 特質與我對藝術治療的認知及應用不謀而合,比喻著以下幾個不同元素的融和並存: - 藝術與科學 - 意識與潛意識 - 人性的「光明」與「黑暗」面 - 剛陽與陰柔並重的特質

7. When do you join HKAAT? What is the reason for joining?

I joined HKAAT as a professional member in the year 2019, after I move back to HK from UK. The reason for joining the association is to gain a sense of belonging within this niche profession in HK. It means to me as a community and connection with other art therapists, gathering our passion, vision and promoting the power of art and mental health in HK as a team.


我是在 2019 年完成藝術治療師碩士課程,從英國回港後加入協會的。由於藝術治療這個專業在香 港仍屬小數,所以加入協會讓我較易找回一份在行業上的歸屬感與支持。在協會裡,我可以認識 到更多志同道合同時來自不同經驗的行業伙伴,讓我感到更有力量去把我們對藝術與精神健康的 信念和熱誠集合起來,宣揚開去。

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Artwork Sharing: The Inner Waves It is how the vulnerability inside us that brings waves of energy when we are ready to release it. 心中的脆弱也許我們都習慣收藏起來,慢慢成為了生命中的包袱... 但如果我們容許它坦誠地流露,這份 勇氣將會如潮水般,有著容納和帶動的力量。

8. What do you think of the development and prospect of art therapy in Hong Kong?

The awareness on mental health has been growing since the social movement, following with the pandemic. People started to explore more and look for new ways to maintain their own wellbeing, thus this brings along the demand for Art therapy apart from traditional methods like medication and verbal counselling. I hope the on-going popularity of art therapy can reach out to the public in different sectors, delivering the message on the importance of mental health, with the fact that art can be one of the options to consider, from maintaining well-being to treating mental illnesses.


從社會運動開始接著疫情的影響,大眾對精神健康的關注日漸提高。這個情況同時帶動了社會各 界對藝術治療的需求,讓他們在傳統治療方式上(例如:用藥或言語輔導)有更多有效的方案與選擇。 我期望藝術治療的應用(從保養到治療)能更進一步被社會上不同界別的人所認識。更重要是認識情 緒與心靈保養的重要性,預防/保養勝於治療,這句話不僅只適用於身體上的健康,精神健康也需 要定時而有效地保養。

9. What do you think HKAAT can offer to support or to further develop the field of art therapy in Hong Kong?

I would say the education on emotional health and self-care is particularly important in our society in facing changes around the globe. Therefore, more sustainable collaborations with social service sectors, mental health sectors, art field, educational sectors and commercial sectors would help to spread the attitude of compassion towards mental health to all walks of life.


我認為協會可以帶頭主動與社會上不同層面的人仕或機構接觸,例如: 社福界、精神健康、藝術 界、教育界甚至商界,與它們發展可持續的項目或合作關係,去應對未來環球性的生活變化。宣 揚並建立一個以包容和支持去面對自身及他人精神健康議題的社會。

10. What do you think you can offer to develop the growth of art therapy in Hong Kong?

As a therapist, I will continue to think of new possible ways to reach out to new audience groups to foster the spread of art therapy, hoping it can go into every possible corner of Hong Kong. As an individual, I will continue to put my knowledge into real-life practice, keep on learning and reflecting, to advocate sustainable well-being within my personal network.


作為藝術治療師,我會繼續尋找新的機會,以這份專業去接觸更多社會上不同層面的人仕,讓藝 術治療進一步滲透於大眾的認識中。在個人生活上, 我會不斷自我覺察與學習,把我的專業用於 日常及個人生活中,以第一身的角式去向身邊的人提倡以藝術作心靈健康保養的概念。

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